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The Water Machine - One Essential Product During a Power Outage

The Water Machine can Save Your Life

The Water Machine has separated itself from its competition by providing quality drinking water that meets the rigorous standards of water purification, providing a product available to consumers. What many don’t realize is that this product is not just for everyday use; it can also save your life if you ever find yourself in a situation where you have no access to quality drinking water. We have come to expect that our municipal water will always be available for us. But every once in a while, a storm comes into our lives and proves us wrong.

If you have never been in a crisis, you might not realize how dangerous it is to be without water. In the United States, storms of all kinds happen often. In Texas for example, residents have seen hurricanes, tornadoes, and even snowstorms. If you happen to experience a storm that disrupts your municipal water supply, then you may be in for a scary situation. You will need to find a reliable water source, and fast. 

The Texas Power Outage

Over the last week, millions of people in the state of Texas have lost power as a consequence of an unprecedented winter storm. For days, many people have been unable to heat their homes as the storm continued for days, bringing freezing temperatures, snow, and freezing rain. Millions of people struggled to get through the week, and with the cold disrupting the supply of electricity, many water companies were unable to provide water. This put the lives of many in danger.

The Water Machine Runs on Gravity - not Electricity

If you are without electricity, you won’t need to worry about clean water when you have The Water Machine. The Water Machine consists of two glass towers, one on top of the other. You pour tap water (clean or dirty) into the upper chamber, and it filters through the two charcoal filters into the lower chamber, where your clean water is stored. Completely self-contained, The Water Machine will function no matter what utilities get shut off, and no matter what contaminants enter your water supply.

Of course, one should try to avoid water that is murky or known to be contaminated, as that can clog your filters faster than other sources. But The Water Machine will still work, and once you get a chance to clean your filters, you can wash them off according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, as part of regular maintenance. One set of charcoal filters will handle 6000 gallons of water before you will need new ones, which should last you about 11 years. That should get you through your current water shortage, or any other crisis that may come along.

The Water Machine is a Water Purifier, not a filter

The distinction may seem small, but it is important. To be classified as a water purifier, a machine must remove a high percentage of contaminants from water. During a time of crisis, you will not want a water filter. If you are desperate, and must get water from an unprotected source, there are no guarantees that your filter will provide quality water for you and your family. In fact, most water filter companies advertise their products with a disclaimer, warning you not to put water inside them that comes from a contaminated source. For this reason, we strongly urge you to avoid using water filters in a crisis. You may end up doing considerable harm to yourself and your family. 

What does the Water Machine Remove Exactly?

I’m glad you asked! Let’s take a look at some of the things that The Water Machine will protect you from in a crisis.


Pathogens fall into a few categories: bacteria, protozoans, microbial cysts, and viruses. To be classified as a water purifier, a device must remove 99.9999% of bacteria, and 99.99% of viruses. The Water Machine obliterates that standard, removing 99.9999999% of bacteria, and 99.999% of viruses! (Although the company does not list specific information for microbial cysts or protozoans, they are about the same size as bacteria.) If you want a device that can protect your family from bacteria and viral contamination, The Water Machine is an obvious choice. 

Heavy Metals and other Elements

The Water Machine sets a high standard for purity when it comes to toxic metals and chemicals. It removes 99.9% of lead, arsenic, iron, mercury, chlorine, fluoride, and chloramines. That’s much more than its competitors. But it doesn’t stop there. It also removes other heavy metals like aluminum, antimony, chromium, beryllium, copper and nickel at a 99% or higher concentration, and that’s just to name a few.


The list of chemicals The Water Machine removes from your water is long to include here. But we can discuss the categories. The Water Machine reduces countless industrial chemicals classified as pesticides (insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides), petroleum compounds (gasoline, oil, kerosene, diesel, etc.), pharmaceuticals, volatile organic compounds (or VOCs), trihalomethanes, nonylphenols, and countless other similar compounds to undetectable levels. That’s because it can screen out such materials at the molecular level. If you are getting water from a source that is uncertain or contaminated, you definitely want to put that water through The Water Machine before you drink it or clean with it.

Radioactive Particles

Gross alpha emitters such as uranium or radium-226 are dangerous elements that shed alpha particles. These particles cause considerable damage to the human body if they are ingested or get inside the body through the eyes, nose, or skin. If your water becomes contaminated with radioactive material, the water machine can help purify it; it filters gross alpha emitting particles at a rate of 98.7%.

Choose The Water Machine Now - And be Ready when Disaster Strikes!

At The Water Machine, we understand that there are many products for you to buy when you are preparing for a disaster. However, those products will simply not protect you or your family if you are in a situation where you have to depend on water from an unclean or unknown source. If you want to read a side-by-side comparison of The Water Machine vs. other name-brand filters, you can find them on this site. We encourage you to read those comparisons, so that you will have a conviction that our product provides the cleanest water, and does so at the lowest price for the life of its filter.

Order The Water Machine today! Once it arrives, you will be ready for whatever disaster may come your way. 

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